The day Christ died

(A version of this story ran on March 25 2016.) In my December 2015 blog, Taking a walk in Mary’s footsteps, I posted some thoughts on what Mary might have been thinking about as she gave birth to Jesus. I continue the story by offering a glimpse of how I imagine Mary suffered, seeing her now-grown son crucified on the cross,... Continue Reading →

Faith to take the first step

Some great writers can sit down at a desk and conjure up an inspirational phrase or two. If they're really good and, maybe even a bit lucky, they manage to come up with enough great lines to pull together a book or two or an interesting speech. And then some great thinkers like Martin Luther... Continue Reading →

Everything’s gonna be alright

The voice on the other end of the call became garbled and faded out. I saw the senior executive's face on the Microsoft Teams call, but I couldn't make out what he said. When he came back on, all I could hear him saying was "what do you think, Brian?" In this crazy COVID-19 world,... Continue Reading →

Signs, sign, everywhere a sign

One sign gave an ominous warning, “Do not cross. Thank you.” Another advertised a national weight loss program. Still another promoted a new video streaming service. Finally two more announced a train crossing and “Road Work Ahead.” I felt like the Aerosmith song was playing itself out in front of me: “Sign, sign, everywhere a... Continue Reading →

A trip to my happy place

The news has been depressing: Impeachment Hearings for President Trump, California wildfires, and a school shooting seemingly every few weeks to name a few. You try to keep your head up, keep positive thoughts, and go about your own business, but it can be challenging. To help in that area, I like to find my... Continue Reading →

Fighting writer’s block

The words and ideas come fast and furious. I can’t get them down on the laptop screen fast enough. They spill out of me bucket after bucket, more defined than the one before. I string two phrases together and two more replace them around the bend. I finish with one blog and before I know... Continue Reading →

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